MVP Voyager Forcefield Pro Rainfly
Kuprinės apsauga nuo lietaus. Pritaikyta MVP Voyager Pro V2 kuprinei.
Protect your gear from the elements with the MVP Voyager Forcefield Rainfly! The Forcefield was designed for keeping your discs and equipment dry with some creative engineering for easy access.
This rainfly goes on quickly and has built in magnetic strips on the front, top, and putter flaps that self-clasps, giving your discs and accessories constant protection from the wet weather. The waterproof polyester with reinforced nylon bottom will fully cover the bag, offering protection on all sides.
This model fits MVP Voyager Pro V2 backpack.
* Waterproof polyurethane coated shell material
* Magnetic primary disc storage entry flap
* Rubberized non-slip waterproof base material
* Magnetic top and side storage compartments entry flap
* Magnetic putter pocket entry flap
* Protected with a Limited Lifetime Warranty
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