Gateway Hyper Diamond (HD) Apex
Skrydžio charakteristikos: 11.5 | 6 | -1 | 2
Apex yra greitas tolimų atstumų draiveris su tiesiu ir stabiliu skrydžiu
Product description
The Apex is a high-speed driver with a consistently stable flight path, a ton of glide, and a predictable finish.
Great for getting distance on a tight line. If you are in need of a workhorse driver that can handle significant torque and gain you extra distance on the course, look no further!
Hyper Diamond (HD) Plastic description:
The Hyper Diamond blend is made with different ratios of TPU (Thermo-Plastic-Urethane) and a co-polyester TPE (Thermo-plastic-Elastomer).
Producing a durable disc that is a bit more grippy on the surface than pure TPU. Hyper
Diamond discs are always solid in color and are slightly less stable than Diamond and more over stable than Suregrip.
- Greitis
- 11.5
- Sklendimas
- 6
- Posūkis
- -1
- Krytis
- 2
- Plastikas
- Hyper Diamond
- Plokštumas
- Labai išgaubtas