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Axiom Cell Starter Bag
Axiom Cell tašė diskams yra sukurta pradedantiems žaidėjams,...
The Doomsday Discs Rookie Set is a 4 disc set which includes three discs in soft, base-line plastic and one durable, premium plastic driver.
Stock up on discs for yourself, or for your friends. We can still grow the sport, even when most of the world population is gone.
* Includes: Gloom putter, Scavenger Midrange, Wasteland Midrange, and Lockdown Driver
* Disc and Stamp Colors are Not Guaranteed to Alway Match the Photos
* Disc Weights Vary but are Slightly More Lightweight for Use by Beginners
* A Great Set for Rookies and Disc Golf Beginners
* The Best Way to Prepare to Play Disc Golf on the Dystopian Landscapes of the Future
Axiom Cell tašė diskams yra sukurta pradedantiems žaidėjams,...
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