Ript Revenge

Ript Revenge

11,95 €
Žaisdami Ript Revenge padarykite diskgolfo žaidimą dar įdomesniu!
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Say hello to the top selling Disc Golf card game on earth! ​

- Plays during a round of Disc Golf
- Adds lots of fun and excitement to the round
- Allows players of all skill levels to compete for the win
- Provides practice on shots that would not have been taken otherwise

How is it played?

Ript Revenge consist of 54 original full color playing cards and 1 rules card. When playing a round with Ript, three cards are dealt to each player in the party. Depending on which version you are playing, there are ways throughout the round of Disc golf to get more cards to put in your hand. Throughout a game there are opportunities to play cards you are carrying with you to enhance the play of the game. The cards vary from a free mulligan, to a card that forces one of your opponents to make their next drive with a mini. These cards create a fun and competitive round of Disc Golf and because of the wide variety of cards included, no two games are ever quite the same.

All rules variants can be found here: Ript Revenge rules variants

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